Wednesday 11 April 2012

About My Blog!

In this - the very first post on this blog - I'm going to tell you all about what my blog is, well, all about!
But first, I'd like to introduce myself.

My name's Holly. I'm the mother of a beautiful little girl, for whom I have a separate blog to write about her. You probably won't hear much about her on this one. But I'm eighteen years old (don't start on me about my age, thanks) and still not graduated from High School, although I plan to skip my last year and I'll be going to college (fingers crossed) come September, so long as I can get the money for it. (Again, fingers crossed.)

I love my life, don't get me wrong, but lately I've been feeling more and more room for improvement with the way I live. Just in the little things, mostly, I've been noticing a lot about myself that I want to change. I fess up, I'm very materialistic, lazy, a huge procrastinator, and - yeah - I lack a lot of inspiration to do some of the simplest things. I want to fix these things so badly, but I've never much had a reason to.

But today, I stumbledupon an article about 50 ways to improve your life. It really got me thinking about how much better my life would be if I changed just a few key things. So I decided then and there (after reading through the full thing) that I was going to create a blog - taadaa- about daily improvements I'm going to try and do. The main reason I'm going to blog about it (other than to slightly, hopefully improve my writing skills) is so that if people are reading it, I will actually try and keep up with the things I'm doing so I don't look like a total lazy arse to strangers. So here we go!

Basically, I'm going to try and do one exceptional thing each day, along with a few small things I'm going to try and make my daily norm. Starting tomorrow (since today is nearly over for me... my daughter and I are gonna be in bed within three hours) I'm going to meditate for at least 20 minutes each day, hopefully closer to 40 minutes. To become less materialistic, I'm gonna get rid of at least 1 thing a day (either giving it away, or throwing it out) as much as it may kill me to get rid of my possessions. I'm hoping by doing this, by the end of the year I'll have a lot less clutter and materialistic items in my life. Only enough things to have the basic necessities and a few memorabilia. I'm also going to do at least one type of workout thing a day. (Even if it's just running up and down the stairs twenty times, which is harder then it seems since I have a half staircase and it makes me so dizzy turning around so many times!) I'm also going to read one motivational thing (a quote or something that I'll print up) every morning when I wake up... Unless I wake up to a screaming baby, then I'll read something inspirational after I feed and change her!

I hope you lovely people of the interwebz can help me out with achieving my goals, because I really want to enjoy my life more than I currently do - even though I already love it, everyone has room for improvement!

Thanks to anyone who reads, I love you.

This is a double-blog also posting on tumblr here :